Friday, September 16, 2016

farmgirl photos...

A quick trip around the farm for a look at some of the things that make me smile...happy Friday!

A scarecrone keeping the fruits & veggies safe...

The sprinkler watering our bee garden...I love these sprinklers, they are oh-so pretty, but really do the job!

Meet Vinnie...I LOVE big, yellow, cats! They always are sweet, easy-going, and friendly. This guy magically appeared this year, and while it took some time for him to trust us, now he follows us everywhere...he's a keeper!

A DIY hummingbird feeder...oh-so easy. Take one colorful bottle, a feeder stopper, a length of heavy wire, some colorful beads and there you go...done in no time!

Sunflowers...ahhh, need I say more?

At the end of the day, there's nothing like sleeping under a quilt that's been dried in the fresh air and sunshine...heaven.

Another big, yellow cat...this is Azrael (named after the cat in the Smurf movies!) Oh my...truly, the sweetest cat on the farm. He comes inside after the kids go to school, curls up and naps until lunchtime. 

Found this antique pedal grinding stone at an old store that's going out of business. I've always wanted one and it was half off...doing my happy dance! 

And so it goes...another week has flown by. Hope all is well...enjoy your weekend!


  1. Love these beautiful snippets! Cute kitty ♥

  2. Thanks so much...just some of the things I see as I go through the day! I'm looking forward to cooler weather's still hot here on the farm. I'm going over to visit your blog now!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!