Monday, July 18, 2016

life is too short to be unhappy...

That's what my mother-in-law always says, and she's right...too short to spend time on things we don't enjoy, too short to rush through the days, too short waiting on "someday." 

Before we know it, the days turn into weeks, the weeks into months, and the months into years. Soon, a lifetime has passed by.

I recently read: "Someone else is praying for what you already have."
It made me stop...

healthy children - check
a home of our own - check
food in the pantry and veggies growing in the garden - check

There are also some extras we are blessed with...fireflies at dusk, favorite old movies, fresh eggs & honey, room to roam, critters to care for, and laughter.

Yes, some days are better than others, and we certainly have things on our wish list,
but all-in-all, isn't it really all about how we face each day?

How about this first day of the new week we take just a minute to look around...
what do we enjoy that someone else is praying for? Then, with gratitude in our hearts,
let's whisper a prayer of thanksgiving for those blessings.