Monday, May 09, 2016

farm photos...our kitchen orchard

I thought you might like a peek at the first blooms of our Kitchen Orchard...this time of year is the prettiest time, with all the rose-like buds and soft colors.

Yellow Transparent Apple...just perfect for applesauce!

Fuji Apple...our favorite sweet/tart apple for eating.

Contender Peach...makes such tasty jam. And since I'm the only one who likes peaches,
they're all for me!

Next is the D'anjou pear tree...sweet and juicy.

Last, and oh-so cute, is the tiny Seckel Pear. Thought to be the only truly American pear, they're sometimes called a sugar pear or a candy pear because of their sweet taste.

Now as pretty as these blooms are, they are also tender. Should the temperatures dip, as they often do once the blooms come on, we'll be out there with our hoses spraying them with water.

I know, I know...that sounds crazy, but this little trick we have up our sleeves will actually save the buds, and future fruit when a threatening freeze is in the forecast. We will coat the tree with water, which will freeze. And while that sounds like it would damage the blooms, in the end, that layer of ice will protect the fruit that's developing. Why? Well science tells us that when water freezes, it produces energy in the form of heat, which will protect the buds from the bitter cold. certainly does sound counter-productive, but we figured if it works for the orange growers in Florida, it just might work for us, too.

So we do this...

to enjoy this!

It's hard to wait!

Monday, May 02, 2016

the gentle green of spring...and hive swarms

Today there is a lingering chill in the air. As the barn cats and I walk back from the mailbox, we step around the many puddles that remind me of our recent cold, blowing rain. This time of year cannot be trusted...we've had several warm tee-shirt weather days, then just as many frosty mornings that threaten snow.

However; this post is not about the mellow month of is about beekeeping.

Sunday afternoon I quickly visited the coop to collect eggs. The girls were chattering, Bandito was crowing, and then pausing at the door, that's when I heard it...that sound. No, no, no...not again, the bees were swarming! I had 15 minutes before it was time to time to suit up, no time to prepare. I sadly watched them settle high in a tree.

And so there I was, watching the last of my three hives fly away. One hive was lost over the winter, a second this past autumn to robbing yellowjackets. While a strong colony can defend itself against a yellowjacket invasion, a small one is easily overtaken by them. Once in the hive, yellowjackets will kill the bees, eat the honey, and destroy whatever else they find. By the time I opened it, the hive was empty. 

Soon it was time to leave...a swarm will stay anywhere from a hour to a day, so with any luck they would be there when I returned. And to my surprise, several hours later, I found them still high in the tree!

I called my beekeeping neighbor, we suited up, hauled ladders, found saws and pruners, and into the tree we went. We plotted, we planned, and then carefully secured and sawed the branch holding my escaping friends. Gently we lowered the bees into their new home. We smile! We can't believe our luck! We congratulate each other! We plan to meet again at dark to move the hive to its permanent location.

Fast forward 3 hours...again, I find myself at the chicken coop to tuck the girls in for the night. I can't resist...I take a walk over to see the bees, but it's too quiet. I get closer, I peek inside. 

There are no bees...they have flown off yet again. I call my neighbor and we commiserate over the loss. And so it goes...

Beekeeping is an art...after 4 years I'm still learning. When I began I wanted to know all the rules so I would get it right. Yes, there are rules to follow, but every beekeeper does things differently. It's a gut intuition...when to feed, when to add supers, when to take honey and when to leave it. We watch the weather, anticipate the first dandelions, try to forecast the last bloom of the goldenrod and asters.

Here's the thing...with 42% of colonies lost in 2015, might I ask that you plant a flowerpatch with seeds that will grow into flowers bees love? Lavender, rosemary, sage, coneflower, catnip, lamb's ears, verbena, aster, black-eyed Susan, oregano, and yarrow are a few.  You can even search online, "save the bees seeds" and lots of companies will send them to you for free!

Back outside today, I'm weeding flowerbeds, in the distance I hear the far-off sound of a single cardinal. Somewhere in the meadow I see the promise of spring and warm days to come.  For now, I'm looking forward to Friday...I have two new hives coming, and I'll start again.