Sunday, March 06, 2016

a March snow...

This old farm is up early every day...the first alarm goes off at 4:45, the second at 5:00 - just in case I've hit the snooze button. Each day begins just about the same...down the stairs to check the weather, take a quick look at the outside temperature, then make school lunches while I ponder what's in store for the day. Soon hubby is down starting breakfast and waking up the kids.

March...where does the time go? We were surprised to have a snow-delay last week - around here, kids and parents always do the happy dance for that treat! But even with this cold March wind, soon we'll be looking for the promise of spring. This is a time for making plans...I have a wish list for this year, and I'm digging into it, because time flies, whether you're having fun or not!

Finding promise is a simple county pleasure anyone can enjoy. I see promise in that old dry sink I found for a simply needs a new coat of paint. I see promise in the new space we made behind the fruit trees...maybe I'll expand our little orchard, add some Concord grapes, or a garden just for the honeybees. I see promise in the old milkhouse...I think with some elbow grease and a splash of paint, the kids will find it fun to decorate as a hideaway for both them and their friends. I see promise in that flowerbed the weeds have taken over...this year, the battle ends, I'll turn that into a flourishing cottage garden.

But today, even though the wind roars and rattles the windowpanes, I'm not worried, my mind is on the promise in the air.

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