Sunday, March 02, 2014

thought for the day...

I came across this lovely print a few weeks ago...

it can be found here...
while the complete scripture is...1 Thessalonians 4:11

And so, I think I will focus more on living this direction.

I'm sure the pace of life will continue to be full,
but there's no need for it to be frenetic.

...yes, a quiet life seems just right on this snowy Sunday afternoon.


  1. Snowy here in NE Kansas too, as I go out to do the last chores of the day. 3 degrees, dropping to perhaps 7 below tonight, and not fit for man or my poor beasts. Praying for spring!

    1. I agree, Mary Ann, it's been a hard winter. The expected 12 inches of snow that was predicted for yesterday didn't arrive...only about 4. But it's still very cold and the wind is icy. Spring can't be far away...can it?!

  2. Replies
    1. It's supposed to be a whopping 38 degrees here today...whee ha! And just in time too...the heater just went out on the truck! And so it goes...


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