Thursday, May 09, 2013

today's giggle...

I'm thick in the "Spring Cleaning vs. Spring Fever" battle...I must admit, cleaning is losing.  

The weather here has been absolutely perfect for filling flowerbeds, tilling the garden, inspecting the hive, sprucing up the hen house, and plotting and scheming my summertime dreams.

However, I quickly took a break when I received an email from my friend, Kris, who shared this adorable picture with's had me smiling all week! 

Etsy Shop here...

Ahhh, so sweet!

Etsy Shop here

Swing by and visit Julie Persons at her Etsy shop to see her terrific photography featuring...

Chicks in

Sure to brighten you day!

Thanks Kris!


  1. How cute ! Made me smile to ! Thanks for sharing . The weather here has been amazing as well , I have been out all day puttering every day ! Have a good day !

    1. Love to putter as well...but you know, last night it was down to freezing here! I covered up flowers and crossed my fingers...everything looks good this morning; whew!

  2. You have a real beautiful blog... it is the most cute blog I have ever seen.
    I love your live ...

    1. Thanks for your kind words...I appreciate you visiting from across the miles!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!