Monday, February 04, 2013

2 to 4 more inches...

A bit more snow in the forecast for today. Inside, it's warm & cozy with a Dutch oven of chili simmering on the stove and the aroma homemade bread baking.

However; outside, it's a bit different...

The beeskep in the herb garden is covered with snow.

 And look hard...can you see the cheery note Sweet Girl left on the chicken run?

(I Heart Chickens!)

But soon enough, we'll be hearing a friendly buzz in the garden...

and watching the first butterflies flit across the yard.

"When the snow is still blowing against the window-pane
in January & February, and the wild winds are howling without,

what pleasure it is to plan for summer that is to be."

-Celia Thaxter

So what are you doing on this winter's day?
Dreaming of spring?

Making Valentines?
Knitting by the fire?
Or maybe you're hauling firewood & filling feeders!

Whatever it might be, let your heart be light!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos and post ! I am dreaming of spring, hauling firewood for the wood stove ,filling feeders , taking photos and going for walks with my Miggs that's what I have been up to today ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !


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