Love those girls and their farm-fresh eggs...and finding this tiny one made me smile!
Kitty on the coop...Tinkerbell getting a bird's-eye-view on a snowy day.
"I'm ready for my close-up..." Azreal, oh-so sweet & affectionate.
"Don't forget me!" A profile of Midnight...who can always be found twirling around our feet.
Hope it's warm where you is out here today due to icy roads & freezing rain.
Days like this call for homemade cocoa & doughnuts, a crackling fire, jammies, and a day of movie-watching...I'm off!
Happy Monday!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
snowy days of quiet beauty...
January on the farm....
temperatures plummet and we turn our heads away
from bone-chilling blasts of wind.
from bone-chilling blasts of wind.
However; there is still beauty to be found...
“Winter is the time for comfort,
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home.”
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell
Thursday, January 10, 2013
hear that fiddle music?
"Ashokan Farewell" has been, for us, one of the most beautiful, haunting songs we've ever heard. If by chance you're unfamiliar with it, it's from the PBS series Civil War by Ken Burns. Take a minute and click above to hear it playing in the background while the Sullivan Ballou letter is read...I can't express how touching the letter & music are together.
For many years I've wanted to play the fiddle and this song was at the top of my list. But, alas, with kids on the move, a farm to keep up, church callings, and family & friends, it's just one of those things that sat on the back burner...until this past Christmas!
Just look what my family surprised me with!
yes, I've broken a string already...
yes, I'm screeching like a beginner...
and yes, I may get my family matching earplugs...
and yes, I may get my family matching earplugs...
but with the help of this can I fail?
Old-Time Fiddle for the Complete Ignoramus by Wayne Erbsen
(Don't you love that title?!)
While I'm working my way through the book, it'll most likely be quite a long while before I'm playing "Ashokan Farewell"...but I'm on my way.
And so, to leave you with a smile...
What's the difference between a violin & a fiddle?
Well...a violin has strings, a fiddle has straaangs!