Saturday, December 22

an early Christmas present...

I know everyone is so busy...I'll keep this short. I received an early Christmas present and just had to share. 

A while ago my mom passed along a catalog from Americana Floorcloths (find them by clicking hereand told me to choose one for my birthday...yay!  

Oh my...the catalog is filled with lovely floorcloths in a variety of designs and colors. There were so many patterns I fell in love with, but an especially pretty red floorcloth kept catching my eye. It was my dream farm...sheep, dairy cattle, pretty red saltbox on a hill...ahhh. 

And so I placed an order...Jennifer Frantz, the artist, was terrific as we emailed back & forth with my questions and her answers. 


Now, her artwork is in our kitchen, just in time for looks so pretty. I love the idea that it's made by hand, just for me. And with winter's first snowfall, a crackling fire while we bake cookies, and kids who just couldn't be more excited, I'm a pretty happy gal!


  1. Beautiful!! Merry Christmas.

  2. Do you have this beautiful piece of art on your wall or floor?

    1. It could be hung on the's pretty enough, but I have it on the floor in front of the kitchen. Jennifer told me it's really durable! She puts several coats of poly on it to protect the painting, then it's set aside to cure for 90 days. It'll look even better when I get a new kitchen...dream on!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!