Monday, October 22, 2012

thanks, Capper's Farmer!

A heartfelt "Thanks!" to the publishers of Capper's Farmer for including me in their first-ever Winter 2012 holiday bookazine!


Filled to the brim with handmade gift ideas, yummy recipes, and inspiration for old-fashioned holidays, I'm tickled the publishers of GRIT magazine invited me to join them in this issue.

If you flip through the bookazine to page 12, you'll find the story of how we roast a turkey in our 1860-tin kitchen (reflector oven). It's oh-so easy, and has a delicious, truly roasted flavor. And...roasting it this way frees up the oven for all those Thanksgiving rolls and pies!

You can find out more about the bookazine by clicking here, or if you subscribe to GRIT Country digitally, you'll see it there as well.

A happy, happy Monday...thanks again GRIT & Capper's!


  1. Gosh, congratulations! I get Grit... I need to get this magazine! Wow!

    1. Mary Ann...GRIT does have some really good articles filled with information...hope you enjoy this issue!

  2. Congrats, Mary! You're getting to be quite the author.

    1. Thanks Margaret for your kind's been fun!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!