Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm in a pickle!

After my last trip to our local grocery, I found a recipe for refrigerator pickles tucked inside my basket. I'd heard how simple these pickles are to make and how tasty they are, too. 

However, I almost tossed the recipe because the directions weren't specific enough. 
"Slice a few cucumbers and some onions." Add pickling spices" But how much?  "Pack in brine." 
What are the proportions of water & vinegar?

Hmmm, 14 years as a cookbook editor had trained me to write very precise, step-by-step recipe instructions, and yet, I threw caution to the wind and tried this imprecise recipe. 

I'm so glad I did...they are goof-proof!

So here's my version of the original recipe for refrigerator pickles...and you can certainly change up the ingredients however you like. Add some veggies such as carrot slices or green beans, use less sugar if you like a pickle that's a bit more sour, or toss in a dash less (or more) of the pickling spices. 

It's all up to you...because sometimes recipes that are less precise, are absolutely perfect!

Summertime Refrigerator Pickles


1-2 t. pickling spices
1 t. salt
1/4-1/2 c. sugar
1 c. white vinegar
1 c. water
pint-size canning jar

Slice enough cucumbers and onions to tightly fill a pint-size canning jar. Add pickling spices, salt, and sugar. Combine vinegar and water; stir well to blend. Pour over cucumber mixture filling jar. Tighten down lid; shake well to blend. Chill 24 to 36 hours, shaking periodically.
Makes one pint of pickles that will keep refrigerated several weeks.


  1. Now that sounds YUMMY !! My mum never followed a recipe , a bit if this and a dash of that she would say and that's that ! She was an amazing cook and baker , who also did all her own canning, jaring and lived off the land ! Yes I was raised on a hobby farm and miss it very much as I do my mum ! I wish I had followed in her footsteps of canning and preserving ! Thanks for sharing this recipe with us ! Have a wonderful day !

    1. My grandmother's rolls were "a pinch of this, dash of that" kind of recipe. Oh how I miss them, and no one can seem to make them the same. It's never to late to learn to "put things by" start with something can do it! -Mary

  2. These are SO good aren't they? I've been making them too. Glen loves them drained and put on his sandwiches. : -) Awesome photo.

    1. Jayme, and aren't they so easy to make? I love old fashioned Bread & Butter Pickles,and that's what these remind me of. And yes...they'll be on the menu this weekend at our house! -Mary

  3. Just wanted to wish you a happy Labor Day to you and your readers. Richard

  4. I've wanted to make refrigerator pickles for a few years now, maybe this will be the year. : )

    Oh and that ketchup recipe was pretty foolproof too. If I can make it, anyone can!

    1. Goof-proof is a must! Can I talk you into posting your secret recipe? -Mary


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