Tuesday, June 26, 2012

a postcard from the midwest...

Yesterday brought a welcome drop in temperatures, with an almost chilly northwest breeze...perfect for taking care of outside chores.

For our neighbors; however, their chores were a bit more on the larger side...
it was an ideal time for them to harvest wheat.

Just sharing a few postcards from our part of the Midwest...


  1. Great photos! I love farm life. :)

  2. Love the pics! It was nice in cool here on Ohio too! Opened up the windows :)

  3. Ug, dry and dusty here, too. If we're "lucky" we get a day or two of humidity, but no rain. I've seen hay fields cut continuously all summer so far. Wheat is almost ready.

  4. Great pictures and I always wanted to know how they make those! Richard

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