Monday, April 16, 2012

thanks to those good folks at Backyard Poultry...

A heartfelt thanks to the publishers at Backyard Poultry magazine. If you take a peek inside their April/May issue ("The Joyful Sound of Spring: A Delightful Peep" page 24) you'll find our story of how 6 little chicks came to live at Windy Meadows Farm!

Now, a year later, six happy hens are more fun that we thought possible...and it's all thanks
to a little nudging by our kids.

I hope you have the chance to read the article, along with the rest of Backyard Poultry...
if you're new to backyard chickens, or even if you've been enjoying them for years, you'll find the pages filled with lots of terrific information!


  1. Oh thats awesome ! I will see if I can get the article on line ! Congrats thats great ! Have a wonderful day !

    1. Thanks Country's fun to see our story out there! Hope it's a good day in country cove!

  2. This is great for you and your family.

  3. Thanks's really been great for the kids to see the chicks grow and then to give us the treat of daily eggs! I have to admit, I love them as much as the to talk hubby into a couple pygmy goats and maybe a dairy cow! (I think I could handle a mini Jersey...will keep you posted!)

  4. Well hi there, so happy to find your comment on my newest posting. I loved learning about you and if I can find a copy of Backyard Poultry I'll learn even more.

    All simple pleasures to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

    1. Sharon, it's so nice of you to stop by and visit. Your garden inspirations are felt here on the farm...just a few days ago the kids asked if we were planning another sunflower house and pizza patch!

  5. Thank you for popping have a lovely space here. Wow , an 1864 farmhouse. I thought my home was old..

    A happy day to you
    Warm regards

  6. Suzanne, thanks for visiting from so far away...I know as the heat of summer comes, I'll enjoy hearing about the cooler activities where you are! Old farmhouses are great...even with their uneven floors, crooked doorways, and scary, old cellars (ours has 6 trees holding it up...wish I knew the original story!) They do have a character all their own. The work feels non-stop, but it's nice knowing we're helping to hold onto a part of history. -Mary

  7. Good for you!! Heading for the magazine rack tonight after work for a peek!

    1. Ah, shucks, Ma''re too kind, Kris! Get yourself some chickens while you're out and won't be sorry! -Mary

  8. Congrats, looking forward to reading this! : )

    1. Thanks so much Andrea...the girls really have been such fun this past year. Although I admit, I'm in need of some new egg recipes! -Mary

  9. Visit Tilly's Nest ~ she's holding a giveaway that could help you out! Unfortunately I don't have a US address but you do! : )


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