Friday, April 06, 2012

a flowery, showery month...

April is full of foolery…so far she has presented us with unseasonable temperatures in the 80’s. These warm days have brought early buds on fruit trees, blossoms on perennials, and grass that is inching up daily. Oh yes, on this farm, mowing is in full swing (and the grass may yet have the upper hand!)

And yet, with all the promise of new life spring offers, April may yet present some parts of the country with a snowfall. The highs predicted next week in our part of the Midwest, will be half of what they have been…daytime temperatures in the 40’s will surely bring nights that mean covering up blooming flowers in hopes they will be spared the nighttime chill.

No matter…April has brought with her breezes that make sheets and quilts smell their sweetest when dried on the clothesline. Even cleaning out flowerbeds doesn’t seem like a weighty chore when the sun is shining and the birds are singing. While I go about,  I’m dreaming of making changes…adding  hydrangeas where the goldenrod have taken over, surrounding the old-fashioned lilac with colorful zinnias, tucking a few more herbs in the kitchen garden, adding a handmade fountain here and there, and adding a few goodies to the kids’ fairy garden.  
I've been collecting photos for inspiration...and oh, are they ever!
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The land is warming and the season is changing. We welcome the heavenly scent of freshly-mown grass that surrounds us, and when paired with the fragrance of the earth as the fields are plowed, the air is sweet.  Soon it’ll be barefoot time…tossing shoes aside and feeling the soft grass underfoot is a simple pleasure to be enjoyed no matter where you live (or how old you are!)

This weekend the kids will enjoy an egg hunt with friends, we’ll visit with family, and have our traditional Easter dinner as we pause and reflect on the holiday at hand.

Such are the pleasures of April!


  1. Those are truly some cute ideas. I can hardly wait to see what you do with them.

    1.'s amazing the clever ideas folks come up with. I'm hoping to "borrow" some of these ideas and tweak them for us!

  2. April has certainly been full of surprises. We have had almost a 70 degree day, frost a few days, rain, sleet, hail and even snow and wind. That is all in these first 7 days of the month. I adore the sun and how it warms you when weeding the flower beds. It does make the chore seem less like a chore. What wonderful pictures are some very fantastic garden ideas.
    Have Blessed and Happy Easter.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

    1. The weather is so up & down...agreed! I'll be covering fruit trees and flowers all this week, and hoping they'll hold on until the weather warms up again! Until then, dreaming of garden fun!

  3. Love the garden door! I'm so glad people come up with clever ideas :)

    1. I do too...we have so many old doors in our barn. I'm guessing they used to be in the house, then they were replaced. The doors line an old corn crib...makes me kind of sad to see them used as insulation, but at least we still have them. I'd love to have a door going into the garden. We'll see what I can come up with (I'll certainly need some carpentry skills from my husband!)


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