Thursday, November 10, 2011

a beautiful full moon...

The kids are off today and we're spending time with Grandma this morning, so I was up bright & early.
I'm glad I was, or I might have missed this beautiful moon as it began to sink into the west about 6:30 a.m.

The forecast is for a bit of snow tomorrow...yikes! That has us getting into high speed to wrap up outdoor chores. Last Saturday was spent cleaning the coop from top to bottom, and am I ever glad we covered the floor with vinyl flooring. Once it was swept and dusted out, mopping made the floor look almost new again.
Ahhh, yes, happy hens indeed.

This weekend has us clearing a spot for a wood pile and putting the garden to bed. Sweet Girl has a roller skating birthday party with friends, so it will be a good Saturday.

It's a lovely time of year...the season's first fire in the fireplace, snuggling under cozy quilts, the crunch of leaves underfoot. Hope you're enjoying every minute.

"Summer's loss seems little, dear, on days like these."
-Ernest Dowson


  1. It really was a beautiful moon this morning.

  2. I've been counting the days until the moon would be full and just over the horizon in the morning. Great capture.

    And I adore the quote!


  3. Such a great opportunity. These are more rare than we'd like to believe...great shot.



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