Friday, September 23

from one home to another...

Several weeks ago, I passed this sad scene.

The newspaper reported that a truck had apparently lost control and crashed into this house. Luckily,
no one was living in it at the time, and there were no injuries. While driving by one day, I could see back into the kitchen of the home. That's when I spied this...

It immediately caught my eye. Now, our home isn't decorated in vintage/1950's style, but anytime I see an old porcelain over cast iron sink, it always makes me stop and think, "Ah, I would love to have that in our farmhouse kitchen."

And so I drove by the house several times with the sink on my mind. Finally, I did a little sleuthing, found the owners of the home, and worked up the courage to knock on their door. If the house was going to be torn down, would they be interested in selling the sink? They were gracious and friendly, they took my name and number, and then the weeks went by with no phone call.

Then, this past Monday, they called...if I would like the sink I could have it for $25! I was thrilled, and said yes, I definitely still wanted it! And so Saturday morning, we'll be picking up this 100-pound beauty before they level the home.

A little online snooping found this vintage sink, that looks like a pretty good match, selling for $125.
I'd say I scored the bargain of the day!

Our new sink will stay safely tucked away until we remodel our kitchen. Of course, it might be just right in our bathroom too...lots of room on the drainboard for a basket of hand towels and soaps, hmmm, this might be a hard decision!

And so, it's a happy Friday here...hoping it's a great day for you as well!

(And since it's Friday, take a minute to visit some new farms at Verde Farm ... it's terrific fun!)


  1. What a fabulous sink! We installed an old farmhouse sink last spring that we got for free off of craig's list.... I'm looking for another to make into a garden bench/sink and this is exactly what I've been looking for... Lucky you... and of course lucky for all involved that nobody was injured.


  2. I am so excited that you finally heard from the owners! And what a good deal! Diana

  3. Oh my gosh-I absolutely love it!! You did great! I found one last year too and put it in my potting shed. I am going to have to do a post on that now :)
    xoxo, Amy at Verde Farm

  4. I'd say that is definitely a good bargain. I can hardly wait to see how you use it. (By the way, my word verification is "astabath". Suppose that's a hint as to where you should use it?)

  5. I had been on the lookout for one of these fantastic sinks and I can tell you that you got a SCREAMIN' DEAL...How lucky you are!
    I ended up with a '57 vintage white enameled kitchen sink, for which my husband built a nice frame, and we placed in my garden area. We use it to give things a wash before we drag the majority of the dirt into the house...That way, the water goes back into the garden.
    I love your success story!

  6. Janice, thanks for your kind was a fun adventure! I'd love to see a photo of yours in the garden area...what a clever idea! I'm all for keeping as much dirt/dust/mud outside as possible! -Mary

  7. Oh what a keen eye you have! This is definitely a bargain and a wonderful treasure. Looking forward to seeing it's final spot, no matter where it might be!

    And if you find another, please float it across the lake towards me. : )


  8. I'd say your courage paid off. That sink is awesome!

  9. Sometimes it pays to ask doesn't it! What a wonderful sink and I can't wait to see it in your it bathroom or kitchen. Have fun trying to decide!
    Maura :)


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