Monday, August 01, 2011

it's fair time!

Searing sun, temps looming around 100 degrees, and humidity that makes me melt...that's how the last few weeks have been. It's up and outside early to work, then waiting until sundown to wrap things up.

However, with the heat of summer comes fair time...and we can't miss that, no matter what the weather's like! Our county fair is on a hillside, so we always have a plan: begin at the top where all the animal barns and merchant buildings are, then work our way down to the rides and food. By the time we get to the bottom, the kids are absolutely itching to jump on every ride, and hubby and I are so hot we need an icy lemonade shake-up (or several!) to help us beat the heat. We were tickled to discover we had won 6 blue ribbons and 4 red ones...the anticipation is always high as we search for our names!

A couple of days later we visited the state fair. Again, another scorching hot day, but lots of fun, food, and animals at every turn. There's just something special about the's a feeling and an excitement we never outgrow. It's the hope of winning a blue ribbon, watching the spinners & weavers working at their craft, watching excited kids show their animals in competition, and the aroma of fair food in the air.

I hope you'll have the chance to visit a fair near you. In the meantime, here are a few snapshots of ours...

fanciful chickens of all breeds

the museum has so many interesting wagons and farm equipment

an old log cabin is on display,

next on my wish list!

there was a sign above this little beauty that said, "Win Me!"

famous butter cows...sculpted from 1500 pounds of butter!

newborn calf only 3 days old

mama to be...we were hoping to be there for the big event!
(my inner vet would have loved it...for any James Herriot fans,
I'd need a "bucket of hot water, soap, and a towel, please."

2-week old piglets

a little post-breakfast nap


and still more chickens

I love the look in this lady's eyes
just as this fella let out a very loud
and cheery cock-a-doodle-doo!


  1. You just can't be country fairs!! Looks like it was alot of fun. Have a great week.

  2. A whole plethora of reasons why fall can arrive in my neck of the woods any time now.

    Please and thank you.

    : )

  3. Counting the weeks til our State Fair... the highlight of my September. Love the animals and the kids taking care of them so earnestly! (PS: I'm a SERIOUS James Herriott Fan... TrickyWoo makes me laugh every.single.time).


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!