Tuesday, April 05, 2011

simple joys for April...

...visit the feed store and fall in love with the baby chicks and ducks.  You might just find yourself bringing a few home!

...while you're at the feed store, wander over to the shoe section. They have terrific rubber boots with farmgirl fresh designs such as horses, chickens, polka-dots, and flowers. They're sure to make gardening more fun in the muddy spring!

...this year, try natural dyes for Easter eggs...they're so easy! Make one batch of color at a time by simply adding one quart of water and 2 tablespoons white vinegar to a stainless-steel stock pot. Add one cup of your choice of the items below and bring to a boil; simmer 25 minutes. Add raw eggs to the water mixture and bring to a gentle boil for 30 minutes.

Check the eggs for color...natural dyes take a bit longer to dye eggs than commercial powders. When eggs are the shade you like, remove them, gently dry with a paper towel, and set aside
until cool.

red cabbage = dark pink
beets = pale pink
blueberries = blue/purple
raspberries = lavender
cranberries = light purple
yellow onion skins = orange
tumeric powder = yellow (1 t. for every 3 cups of water)

...bake a batch of hot cross buns...just because!

...buy yourself an Easter bonnet...okay, maybe not a bonnet, but how about a gardening hat? I have some favorites I just love and couldn't do without when the sun shines...how about you?

...remember, "April showers bring May flowers." And rainy days are wonderful for curling up with a book or movie. There will be plenty of time for work once the gardens begin blooming!


  1. Love these ideas! We did bright Easter colour eggs wrapped in tissue with a glue glaze last year, but this year, I'm leaning to a more natural look, tea dyed eggs!

    An easter bonnet...our church has a contest every year. Very fun!


  2. your my kinda girl...keeping it simple and enjoying the everday....
    thanks for your suggestions...love that hat idea...I have one ...well of course I do....hee hee..

  3. Thank you for April's simply joys. Love them.

  4. Your blog is beautiful! Love the look of it, and all the photos...so pretty! I died wool one time in onion skins, and was told that the pioneers used urine to make it colorfast. TMI?


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