Friday, February 11

simple country pleasures...

I am a list-maker, note-taker, and, I admit,
"it might be important so I'd better save it" type of person.

The to corral all that clutter  paperwork
on the fridge and whiteboard so that it looks a bit better?

A quick look around and soon I found buttons, extra game pieces,
and even a few pop bottle caps that were easily turned into magnets. A bit of hot glue will secure a heavy-duty magnet to the back of each.

I'm sure you'll think of lots of other ideas...
costume jewelry for a bit of sparkle, alphabet letters,
or even seed packets would all be sweet.

Oh-so simple and they're done in a jiffy!

Now all those recipe cards, notes, kids' artwork,
reminder cards, and school lists are a bit more tidy!

(If only I could organize our desk so easily...
that, my friends, is on next week's to-do list!)

Happy Friday!


  1. Great idea! I've done the bottle cap but not buttons or game pieces.... the nice thing about the bottle caps was that I didn't even need to glue them on, since they stuck all by themselves :)


  2. Really cute idea! I love buttons and that’s a great thing to use them for. Game piece too :)

  3. Love those! I used old wooden puzzle pieces w/magnets and a vintage tray for seed starting notes in my potting shed. Hope to post those and my shed IF spring ever arrives. Thanks for the sweet ideas in your Feb simple joys too. My visit here has really warmed me up!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!