Monday, July 26, 2010

fair competition...

Our county fair has started and this morning we've been up since the break of day baking, decorating, and making sure our jars of canned vegetables sparkle...we're getting ready to deliver our entries to the fairgrounds! It's a wonderfully cool morning, with temperatures in the 50's. What a welcome relief from the hot & humid air almost 25 degrees warmer that has greeted me each morning as I head to the garden to weed and till.

I took a moment to sit in a porch rocker to enjoy the cool air.
As I looked around, it was obvious the spiders were busy in the nightttime, as these delicate webs were everywhere. A kitten hopped into my lap and we took a few minutes together enjoying the quiet and coolness.

However, it's time to deliver our entries...judging begins at
10 a.m. sharp! Tonight we'll go to the fair and enjoy the
yummy food, rides, and farm animals, then we'll wander
(nope, run!) over to the grandstand to see if we were lucky enough to win a ribbon! Wish us luck!


  1. Oh how fun Mary! I'm sure your entries will knock the judges socks off. Good luck and have fun.

  2. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do well and come home with some amazing ribbons.

  3. Good luck! Our fair started today too...hangin' out in the sheep barn :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!